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A mix of people looking in together

We are passionate about the power of Mindfulness

to help all in our society
to flourish and achieve their true potential. 

The Everyone Project seeks to broaden access to Mindfulness courses
to disadvantaged and isolated groups, often those living with multiple stressors.
You can help us and we can help you to change lives.

Can you support us?

Your donation and support can transform lives. We aim to provide free Mindfulness courses to a range of people in our communities in need.


A course of Mindfulness for the elderly, carers, people struggling with their use of substances, young people, refugees and many other people in need, can help make the unbearable more bearable and enable people to flourish and reach their full potential.

We can't do it without you!

Can we partner with you to provide a free Mindfulness course?

If you are a charity or organisation helping people who are facing adversity, we can partner with you and provide free courses to help you help the people that matter to you.

Can your organisation sponsor a Mindfulness course?

If your organisation is willing to contribute to help people in need increase their resilience and improve their well-being, we offer a number of sponsorship options for Mindfulness courses. If you're also interested in bringing Mindfulness to your organisation, we can help with that too.

Our Partners 
& Sponsors

Group of people holding hands in support

We partner with a wide range of charities and other service providers who address the communities we want to help. This allows us to offer our Mindfulness courses to those most in need.

Our sponsors provide the necessary funding to allow us to run our courses, ensuring that help is delivered when it is needed.

What Participants Say

"This course has changed my life.

I have valued the opportunity

to have this time for me

as an individual [...] 

I feel alive again!"

We receive many testimonials of how lives have changed with mindfulness

The Everyone Project

Mindfulness for All

The Everyone Project charity gratefully acknowledges the kind ongoing sponsorship and assistance from the Mindfulness Association.

The popularity of mindfulness is growing, and this is not surprising as the evidence base for its effectiveness continues to grow too. Despite this, the UK demographic engaging in mindfulness training is currently overwhelmingly self-funding professionals. This is apparent from those paying to attend the Mindfulness Association’s courses and also from the focus of the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group in 2015, the Mindful Nation Report.


“The Everyone Project” is committed to addressing this imbalance, by offering the eight week Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC) to groups who are not otherwise able to access mindfulness interventions, for financial or other reasons. These groups might include those on a low wage or unemployed, poor and/or isolated elderly people, carers, people in recovery and disability groups. The  MBLC is aimed at adults and we also offer the eight week Mindfulness Based Living Course for Young Adults (MBLC-YA) for those aged 11 to 18 years.

Want to participate in a Mindfulness meditation Session?

The Mindfulness Association (our main sponsor) run twice daily Mindfulness meditation sessions every weekday morning and evening. This is not a Mindfulness course, but a way of experiencing or sustaining Mindfulness Practice. 

It is free to everyone.

To find out more and to participate, follow this link:

Daily Sit

Learn more about the Everyone Project by watching this video

You can email us -

You can write to us - 

1 Clermiston Terrace


EH12 6XF

© 2023 Everyone Project

Charity Registration Number SC048133

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